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Apple entered the services market in 2019 when it introduced platforms such as Arcade,  TV+ and News+. There is a considerable opportunity in services today, and it is therefore no wonder that the Cupertino giant has gone all out in this segment. A year later, he added another interesting feature in the form of the Fitness+ service. Its goal is to motivate users to move, provide them with a range of necessary information and monitor practically everything possible during the exercise itself (using the Apple Watch).

Fitness+ works as a form of personal trainer, making exercise a little easier. Of course, it is also possible to play individual workouts on Apple TV, for example, while there are also various challenges, music genres and the like. The whole thing is extremely simple - the subscriber can choose the trainer, the length of the training, the style and then just copy what the person on the screen is pre-exercising. But there is one catch. The service started only in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United States and Great Britain.

Another limited service from Apple

As we mentioned above, the service was initially only available in English-speaking countries. On the other hand, Apple already promised its expansion, which eventually happened - a year later, the service expanded to Austria, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. But what about us? Unfortunately, Fitness+ is not available in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and we will have to wait some Friday for its possible arrival.

It is also worth mentioning that this is not an unusual situation, on the contrary. From Apple's side, we are used to the fact that when introducing new services, it first focuses on dedicated (English-speaking) markets, which makes its job much easier. Everything is available to everyone in one language. It is exactly the same with the Apple News+ platform, for example. Although Apple introduced it more than three years ago, we still don't have the option to subscribe to it. At the same time, the giant gains valuable time to test and catch all the flies, which it can finish before entering the next market.


Why is there no Fitness+ in the Czech Republic?

Unfortunately, we do not know the specific reason why the Fitness+ service is not yet available in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, and quite possibly we will never know. Apple does not comment on these matters. In any case, quite understandable speculations appeared on the Internet. According to some Apple users, Apple does not want to bring a service of such dimensions to countries where it does not speak the language. In this respect, one can argue for the possibility of English, which almost everyone understands today anyway. Unfortunately, even that is probably not enough. Some fans mentioned that this would divide society. Those who do not know the language would be at a disadvantage and practically unable to use the service.

In the end, this idea might not be so far from the truth. After all, it is very similar in the case of HomePod mini. They are not officially sold in the Czech Republic, as we do not have support for Czech Siri here. So we would not be able to control the smart assistant through the local official language. HomePod minis, on the other hand, can be brought and sold unofficially. However, such a procedure is understandably not possible with services.
