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Black Friday is the day in the US that follows Thanksgiving. So this year Black Friday will be 28/11, which is already this week. Black Friday marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping "season" in the US. Although it is not an official holiday, many people take time off from work just to be able to go to the shops, which often open unusually early on this day (even before 5 in the morning). Moreover, they stand in front of shops long before the opening hours. And that makes this day in stores one of the busiest of the year. And why this madness?

Merchants are preparing for this day very significant discounts for different products. Although this applies mainly to stores such as Walmart, Best Buy, Target and the like (which are brick-and-mortar stores), of course some online retailers also offer big discounts on selected products (but they have significant discounts especially on so-called Cyber ​​Monday - like Black Friday for e-shops).

But why am I writing this here on the blog? Simply because this Friday might be an ideal day to buy an Apple product on the Apple Store. It is expected that Apple has some discounts prepared for this Friday (discounts are expected mainly for iPods and iMacs).

But that's not all either. Thanks to Black Friday, many developers on AppStore presents discounts on its products, which could culminate this very Friday. So now is definitely the right time to join forces and recommend different games or apps to each other that will be discounted during this week. I expect discounts right up to so-called Cyber ​​Monday (that is, next Monday), maybe until Christmas. It will serve perfectly for that new forum

Of course, the discounts will not only appear on the Appstore, but I expect many discounts on MacOS software as well! So to kick things off, EA already discounted Spore and Tetris by 40% today. For a change, Pangea Software is offering all of its games for 99 cents, and they're not B-grade titles - Billy Frontier, Bugdom 2, Cro-Mag Rally, Enigma and Nanosaurus 2. The original price was just under $8! Tag Games offers Christmas Rock`n`Roll. But there will certainly be a lot of discounted games and applications in the next period and so on slet's gather strength, charge credit and let's go shopping! :D

Topic for discussion and advice on our forum already waiting!

EDIT 21:20 – I just received an email from Apple confirming one-day discounts on Friday at the Apple Online Store. According to the picture, it looks like iPods, iMacs, accessories (chargers, remote, nike plus) etc.
