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Today, Apple will show iOS 16, the new mobile operating system for its iPhones. It will be a year since the company showed the world iOS 15 at the same event, which according to the analytics company Mixpanel is now installed on 90% of supported devices. But how was it with previous systems? 

According to Mixpanel iOS 6 adoption was at 2022% as of June 15, 89,41. This number is calculated from tracking visits to websites that use its SDK for analytics, so while it can't be said that it's a completely accurate value, it should be very close to reality. Apple gave us the official numbers in January, when they reported an adoption rate of 72% for iPhones released in the last 4 years.

iOS 15 started a little slower than, for example, the previous iOS 14. This was, of course, due to a smaller number of new features, which were also not available right away from the first version of the system, and a certain amount of errors. So it's possible that the Mixpanel numbers are inflated after all, because just before the previous WWDCs, Apple always shared updated numbers, but not this year. So maybe he's waiting for it to jump even more, or he's saving the announcement for the keynote.

Historically, the numbers don't change much 

So last year, iOS 14 adoption reached the 90% mark on devices introduced in the last four years, which comes directly from Apple's report. It can therefore be said that the situation is very similar this year. In 2020, Apple updated the numbers for iOS 13 on June 19, when WWDC was held from June 22. At the time, he reported an even higher adoption rate, as it reached 92% for devices that were at most four years old. But it is still a difference of only a few percent.

In 2019, Apple did not share iOS 12 adoption figures until August. Officially, it stated that 88 percent of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices active at the time were using iOS 12. If we look at iOS 11, it was installed on 2018 percent of active devices at the beginning of September 85. Previously, however, Apple threw all devices into one bag, only later it began to divide them into those not older than four years and all, and separately separated the numbers for iPads.

It is very likely that Apple will tell us the official iOS 15 acceptance number later this evening. However, it cannot be assumed that it should be a bad number. Even if there was a decline, as iPhone sales grow and as the devices age and users continue to use them, it would actually make sense. With regard to Android, this is still absolutely unbeatable data. These are especially useful for developers to know which versions of operating systems are worth optimizing their titles for. Even Google recently published the adoption rate of its Android, when it stated that in the case of Android 11 and 12 it is 28,3%. At the same time, Android 10 is still used on 23,9% of devices.

You can watch WWDC 2022 live in Czech from 19:00 here
