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Games from the developer studio Freebird Games are known for their unrepeatable processing. Although the development team creates them in the archaic RPG Maker, you can always safely recognize the game from the studio. They always add an absorbing story to the characteristic visuals. After the award-winning projects To the Moon and Finding the Paradise, you can now play their fresh novelty, which does not deviate in any way from the quality of the previous games.

Impostor Factory puts you in the shoes of the main character Quincy. He was invited to a party in a suspiciously isolated mansion. At first the party goes completely normal, but then everything changes when someone starts murdering the host. A shocked Quincy has to calm down in the bathroom. But when he goes back to the main premises, he finds that all the murdered are alive and well again. The main character finds himself in a time loop, which during his journey to find the truth presents him with important aspects of his own past in addition to the secrets of the universe.

In terms of gameplay, you can't expect too much from Impostor Factory. Prim plays the story here, and it is, as we are used to from Freebird Games, suitably absurd and creative. Again, despite its innocent-looking graphics, the game again works with adult themes, mainly how to recognize a well-lived life. If you want to think about your existence, but at the same time laugh at the absurd creativity of the developers, Impostor Factory is the game for you.

  • Developer: Freebird Games
  • Čeština: Not
  • Price: 8,19 €
  • Platform: macOS, Linux, Windows
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: macOS 10.6.8 or later, processor better than a potato, 1 GB of RAM, graphics card Radeon HD 2400 or better, 500 MB of free disk space

 You can buy Impostor Factory here
