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If you like to go for winter walks, it is very important for you to know the weather forecast. In recent days, snow covered practically the entire Czech Republic. A snowy landscape can be really magical, but none of us probably wants to find ourselves in a blizzard with temperatures well below freezing. If you want to plan a walk, definitely do so at home first, checking the weather. Of course, weather forecasting apps can help you in this case – we will look at the 5 best of them in this article.

Right at the beginning, we will look at the application, which can provide weather information from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Personally, I've been using this app for a really long time and I have to say that it's very accurate - and accuracy is the main thing that users praise about In addition to the forecast, in you can have a nice graphic screen showing the current weather in your area. Of course, there are also special functions in the form of various graphs, or perhaps a map with radar. is available completely free of charge.

You can download the application here

Weather radar

If you've ever used an application other than the native one to track the weather in the past, you've probably come across Meteoradar. This app has been with us for a few years now, and the good news is that it's definitely not stuck in the era of ten years ago, even though it seemed that way for a while. Currently, however, Meteoradar offers a pleasant user interface, along with many functions. There is also a classic weather forecast, display of weather conditions and information about precipitation. In addition, you can set the application widget, thanks to which you will get accurate weather information directly on the home or lock screen.

You can download the Meteoradar application here


If you had the Windity application installed on your smartphone a few years ago, then you will definitely like Windy - it is just a renamed Windity application. So if you were satisfied with Windity, it can be assumed that you will like Windy too. This application for viewing weather information is really used by many users, mainly because of the four accurate forecast models that you can view. In addition to these, you can display various maps in Windy with information on wind strength, weather conditions, precipitation, storms, etc. You can then view the forecast for the following hours and days.

You can download the Windy app here


The next application in the order of this list is In-weather. It went through huge changes a few months ago, i.e. in terms of user interface and design. In addition, In-weather has become a free app with no ads – in the past you had to pay for In-weather. As part of In-weather, you can look forward to an accurate forecast for the entire nine days ahead, hour by hour. There are also various graphs and maps, along with precipitation radars and other functions. Individual data is processed from more than two hundred different meteorological stations in the Czech Republic. Some of you might also be pleased with the fact that In-weather is the work of Czech developers.

Download the In-weather app here


If you put up with applications that come from Czech developers, then in addition to In-weather, I can also recommend Ventusky. This application has become very popular recently and is used by many users. It offers a very accurate weather forecast, together with various functions - for example, to display the feeling temperature or a radar on which you can check precipitation. The calculation of the weather forecast in the Ventusky application is handled by its own comprehensive computer simulation. You can buy the Ventusky application for 79 crowns - keep in mind that the revenue from this application goes into the pockets of Czech developers.

You can download the Ventusky application here
