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An ad inspired by George Orwell's novel and announcing that on January 24, 1984, Apple will introduce the Macintosh and everyone will see why 1984 won't look like 1984. That's the legendary ad that Apple Computer, Inc. wanted. alert the world that a new product is about to be launched that will change the world of computing forever.

And so it happened. While many products were introduced by Steve Jobs personally, the Macintosh introduced itself to the audience all by itself. All Jobs did was take it out of the bag.

“Hi, I'm Macintosh. It's really great to be out of the bag. I'm not used to public speaking, and I can only share with you what I thought when I first saw an IBM mainframe: NEVER TRUST A COMPUTER YOU CAN'T HANDLE! Of course, I can talk, but now I'd like to sit and listen. So, it's a great honor to introduce the man who was my father...Steve Jobs.”

The tiny computer offered an 8MHz Motorola 68000 processor, 128kB RAM, a 3,5″ floppy disk drive and a 9-inch black and white display. The most fundamental innovation in the computer was the friendly user interface, elements of which are still used by macOS today. Users could move around the system not only with the keyboard, but also with the mouse. Users had several fonts to choose from when writing documents, and artists could try their hand at innovation with a picture-painting program.

Although the Macintosh was attractive, it was an expensive affair. Its $2 price at the time would be roughly $495 today. Nevertheless, it was a hit, with Apple selling 6 units by May 000.

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