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August 27, 1999 was the last day Apple officially used its 22-year-old rainbow logo. This rainbow logo has been Apple's main motif since 1977, and has seen the company through a number of milestones and turning points. The logo change surprised many fans at the time. In the broader context, however, this was only a partial step in what was a complete transformation of the company, which at that time was taking place under the baton of Steve Jobs.

This change aimed to get Apple back on the path it had strayed from in the 90s. And the logo change was far from the only step that should have brought it back on this path. New products have appeared, in a greatly simplified product range. The legendary "Think Different" marketing campaign appeared, and last but not least, the word "Computer" disappeared from the company's name. Eighteen years ago, "today's" Apple, Inc. was thus created.

The genesis of the Apple logo is very interesting. The original logo had nothing to do with a bitten apple. Essentially it was a depiction of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, rendered in Victorian style with a quote in the margin ("A mind forever wandering through strange seas of thought, alone."). It was designed by the third founder of Apple, Ron Wayne. The iconic apple appeared less than a year later.

apple logo
The Apple logo over the years
Graphics: Nick DiLallo/Apple

The assignment sounded clear. The new logo was definitely not meant to be cute and should somehow contain an allusion to the then-revolutionary color screen of the Apple II computer. Designer Rob Janoff came up with a design that almost everyone knows today. The bitten piece was supposed to be a kind of guide in cases of enlarging or reducing the logo - to keep its proportions. And it was partly a pun on the word apartment. The color bars then referred to the 16 color display in the Apple II computer.

18 years ago, this colorful logo was replaced by a simple black one, which was then repainted again, this time in a shade of silver to resemble polished metal. The change from the original colored logo marked the rebirth of the company and its transition into the 21st century. At that time, however, no one had any idea what a giant Apple would one day become.

Source: Cultofmac
