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Numbers is a very comprehensive application that offers a lot of options for working with table content. In the last part, we got acquainted with the user interface of this application and approached the absolute basics of working with the creation of tables, today we will focus on working with cell content, its creation, copying, moving and pasting.


Enter text and numbers in Numbers on Mac

Table content in Numbers documents can be added either manually, by copying, and then pasting, or by automatically filling in formulas. To add content, simply click in the selected cell and start typing. To wrap a line in a cell, press Alt (Option) + Enter, to insert paragraphs, first copy the paragraphs, then double-click the cell and choose Edit -> Paste from the toolbar at the top of the screen. To edit the contents of a cell, double-click the selected cell.

If you want to fill one or more cells in Numbers with the contents of neighboring cells, first select the cells whose contents you need to copy. Then move the cursor to the edge of the selection so that a yellow handle appears - then just drag it over the cells you want to copy the content to. All data, cell formats, formulas, and fills associated with the selected cells will be moved into the cells, overwriting the existing data with the new content. To automatically fill cells with a sequence of values ​​or a pattern from adjacent cells, enter the first two items of the range in the first two cells in the row or column you want to fill. Select the cells, move the cursor to the edge of the selection again so that the yellow handle appears, and then drag it over the cells you want to fill.

To copy or move, first select the cells you want to work with. To move cells, click and hold the mouse button. Once the cells are visually brought to the fore, drag them to their destination in the table - the existing data will be replaced with the new data. To copy, press Cmd + C (or select Edit -> Copy from the toolbar at the top of the screen). Select the top left cell of the area you want to paste the content into and press Cmd + V (or in the toolbar at the top of the screen Edit -> Paste). In the Edit -> Insert section, you can also choose whether to insert entire formulas or only values.

