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Also in today's installment of our regular series on native Apple apps, we'll be looking at the Font Book on the Mac. This time we'll discuss, for example, how to create libraries and collections of fonts.

Font collections and libraries in the Font Book on Mac are used to better and more clearly organize fonts in macOS on Mac into groups. For example, you can group fonts that you use for a specific purpose or fonts of the same type together. In the sidebar in the left part of the application window, you will find all fonts, arranged in default collections. To create a new collection, click the “+” button in the lower left corner of the application window. Enter a name for the collection, then simply drag and drop all the fonts you want there. You can place individual fonts in multiple collections, but fonts cannot be added to the English collection or to dynamic collections.

Fonts in dynamic collections are always organized according to specific criteria, and are included in them automatically. If you want to create your own dynamic collection, click File -> New dynamic collection on the toolbar at the top of the screen and enter a name for the collection. Then click under Collection Name on the menu and choose whether all criteria should be met, or just any of them. Define individual criteria and save the collection. To edit a collection, click File -> Edit Dynamic Collection on the toolbar at the top of the screen. To create your own font library, click File -> New Library on the toolbar at the top of your Mac screen and enter a name for the library. Then select the library in the collection list, click File -> Add Fonts on the toolbar at the top of the screen, select the font, and click Open. In the Font Verification window, check the box next to the font, and then click Install Selected Fonts.
