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In today's installment of our series on native Apple apps, we'll take a final look at iPad Camera. In brief, we will discuss taking a sequence of photos, working with HDR mode and other details.

Sequence mode on the iPad allows you to take several photos in quick succession. You can take a sequence either in Photo or Square mode, you start taking a sequence of photos simply by holding down the shutter button for a long time - next to the shutter button you will see a counter that indicates the number of pictures in the sequence. Simply lift your finger from the shutter button to stop shooting. To choose which frames to keep in the gallery, tap the shot thumbnail and choose Select. You select the relevant images by clicking on the wheel in the lower right corner, the system recognizes the recommended photos by the gray dot on the strip with thumbnails.

On your iPad, you can also use the HDR mode in the native Camera to help you take pictures of high-contrast scenes. On iPads with Auto HDR and Smart HDR support, HDR will be activated automatically in situations where this mode is best used. If you want to set manual HDR control on these models, go to Settings -> Camera and disable the Smart HDR option. For models without Smart HDR, activate HDR manually by simply tapping HDR on the camera screen. By default, only HDR versions of your photos are saved to your iPad's gallery. If you want to keep the standard versions as well, go to Settings -> Camera on your iPad and activate the Keep Normal option.
