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We deal with various rogue-lites and rogue-likes quite often in our section. In the genre that gives birth to a large number of independent games, we include the macOS novelty from the Pew Times Three studio. In Power of Ten, your recurring quest will revolve around saving the populations of planets that are about to be invaded by space invaders. In addition, you will have to manage all this in a tiny ship made up of several hundred pixels.

In order to successfully complete your assigned task, you will fly through a huge galaxy and, in addition to warning its inhabitants, you will look for improvements for your faithful spaceship. You can find these in the form of new weapons or minerals, which you can later turn into a series of upgrades. At the same time, you don't have to worry about handling the game too easily in repeated passages. Following the example of other representatives of the genre, POwer of Ten also uses procedural generation methods to render a completely unique galaxy in each of the passages.

In addition to space battles and fear for the lives of innocent civilians, the game also offers a relatively unique opportunity to trade in the void of interstellar space. You can easily exchange all the collected upgrades. If you like Power of Ten, we have to add that it is still an early access project. So one has to expect some minor errors while exploring the galaxy.

  • Developer: Pew Times Three
  • Čeština: Not
  • Price11,24 €
  • Platform: macOS, Windows
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: MAC OS X 10.6. or later, 2 GB of operating memory, 150 MB of free space

 You can download Power of Ten here

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