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SHAtter – this is probably the name of the next jailbreak for iZariadenia. One of the leading members of the DevTeam, MuscleNerd, confirmed on Twitter the speculations about the new Jailbreak on iOS4.1.

Specifically, this jailbreak should use a hardware and not a software bug, which would certainly contribute to its longevity. So that you do not feel deprived of more detailed information, Jailbreak will use the A4 processor, which is found, for example, in the new iPhone or in the iPad. For now, this Jailbreak is in the testing phase, so you would be looking for download links for free.

SHAtter is currently only confirmed as a tethered (it will be deleted after a restart) jailbreak and the DevTeam warns against updating to iOS4.1 (if you need a jailbreak) because it is not certain that a public version will appear in the foreseeable future.

Therefore, we recommend everyone who is dependent on jailbreak (e.g. unblocking to all networks) not to update to iOS4.1. If you use a jailbreak to download cracked applications, you can easily update to the latest iOS4.1.
