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The most popular games in the App Store include catchy strategies, adventure games and, above all, runners. There are quite a few of them, and most of them differ only in game concept and graphics. At the beginning of May, an almost domestic runner, GetMeBro!, appeared in virtual stores, which deviates from the line with its concept. It bets on a catchy multiplayer mode for two players.

Game enthusiasts originally from the Czech Republic and Slovakia moved to London, where they founded the independent game studio GimmeBreak. The result is their gaming debut in the form of the ruthless post-apocalyptic runner GetMeBro! I have to admit that I was quite disappointed when I first started it. In the beginning, you have to go through a quick tutorial that an alternate hero will guide you through.

The character moves on its own and the only thing you control and influence is jumping over various obstacles and summoning special abilities and spells. After completing the tutorial, you can jump into the single player game. I got quite bored with it at the beginning, because it doesn't offer much of anything new. You jump over various gears, platforms, bushes and other traps, and only the spiked wheels from all the obstacles can kill you, the rest of the traps just slow down the protagonist.

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However, after completing the first few tasks, the game unlocked the multiplayer mode, where the real fun begins. You run along a track that is algorithmically generated every week, so you don't always run in the same environment, and you already have players from the other side of the world against you. At the same time, you both run exactly the same and you can see in real time what spells the opponent uses and what strategy he chooses. In GetMeBro! it literally depends on every jump and the right timing. One mistake and you're done.

The more successful you are, the more money and other items you will receive. In the menu, you can change the appearance of the character from head to toe for virtual gold. Before each game, you can also choose from nine supernatural abilities that either speed up your progress in a certain way or, on the contrary, stop your opponents. The menu includes a traditional turbo, retarding fires, shields, decommissioning traps and confusing smoke.

However, activating individual abilities is not free. There are blue and red energies on the track, which you have to collect and then tactic. It's definitely worth trying out all the abilities and finding out what each one offers and entails. In the run itself, you only have two available.


GetMeBro! it is definitely not one of the easiest games, which you can tell in the multiplayer mode. The more momentum you have, the more likely you are to defeat your enemies. You will be rewarded with a better rank. Personally, I also like the possibility of inviting real friends and organizing a private tournament. Everything is based on the principle of fair play and fair competition. Plus developers for the best players they organize regular tournaments.

However, you can also train in solo mode, where you are motivated by various tasks, for the completion of which you will again receive virtual currency, which you can immediately spend on matching accessories and clothes.

GetMeBro! it relies on a dark atmosphere and theme music that was composed especially for this gaming venture, and after a slow start, you can quickly fall for it. Because until I was able to win several runs in a row, I didn't want to quit. On the plus side, even though it's an online game, by no means does GetMeBro! doesn't crash and the automatic finder even finds the opponent with the lowest ping for an optimal experience.

The post-apocalyptic runner can be downloaded from the App Store for two euros and can be played on iPhone and iPad.

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