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To take it in order. This week also introduced Microsoft with its first iPhone application. It is a simple program called seadragon, which can work very well with huge high-res images over the Internet. For this, it uses the graphics chip that is in the iPhone and thanks to which they can demonstrate this technology well on a mobile device. Precisely thanks to the graphics chip Microsoft chose the iPhone to demonstrate the technology and not some other phone. Zooming is done using multitouch gestures.

But it was this program that caused minor complications. The Photosynth folder contains images from users, and some users may not be the most obedient. You could find 2 libraries here where they found a series of shameful (I'm not afraid to label some of them directly as porn) pictures

For Microsoft it was perfect ad for their Microsoft Seadragon, and during this time Seadragon was downloaded by a really large number of people, including those who had not even thought about the application before. This tafter all, technology is very successful and I definitely recommend you at least try it. At Microsoft, however, because of her, some employees will not have as comfortable a Christmas as they expected. And btw sorry for the tabloid headline, I had to :)
