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The very popular Shazam service on iPhones, which is used to recognize the music being played, is now also available on the Mac, where it can automatically recognize any musical stimuli without you having to move your finger.

Shazam sits in the top menu bar on Mac and if you leave it active (the icon lights up blue) it will automatically recognize every song it "hears". Whether it will be played from an iPhone, iPad, music player or directly from the Mac in question. Once Shazam recognizes the song – which is usually a matter of seconds – a notification pops up with its title.

In the top bar, you can then open a complete list with recognized songs and by clicking on them you will be transferred to the Shazam web interface, where you will find more detailed information about the author and, for example, the entire album containing the given song, links to iTunes, share buttons, but also related videos.

Shazam can even deal with TV series, the Shazam library should contain around 160 of them from American productions. Then the application can show you a list of actors and other useful information. Therefore, it cannot recognize all series, however, if there is music in one of them, Shazam reacts in a flash. You don't have to look hard in the soundtrack for the song you liked in the last episode.

If you don't like Shazam registering every sound stimulus, just turn off automatic recognition with the top button. Then always turn on Shazam only if you want to identify a song.

Shazam for Mac is free to download and is a very capable companion to its iOS app.

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