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WWDC 2012 is over, but every good event ends with a party. On June 15, Apple held a farewell party with rock music for developers.

I was pinning my last hopes on the official WWDC party. Five thousand ajták in one place? What kind of party can it be? It was in a beautiful park. I wanted to try to talk to a few people and get an even better picture of the participants. The first person I talked to had been developing C++ libraries for Apple for 6 years. Then I also met a lot of freelancer developers. All inclusive food and alcohol and no drunk participants - that would not happen in the Czech Republic. Vegetarians were also thought of, they had their own food stalls.

Personally, I would make much more use of the potential of such a large homogeneous crowd. How about mass check-in on Foursquare? Or anything in bulk that would make it an experience of a lifetime.

It was funny when suddenly people started to gather in one place. It looked like Lady Gaga came among the fans. But it wasn't Lady Gaga, just a lead iOS developer at Apple (Scott Forstall, Editor's note). Everyone wanted to take a picture with him. I saved a freelance developer who ran out of iPhone battery. He asked me if I would take a picture of him and Forstall and send him the pictures by e-mail.

The whole event is probably best captured by the video, where the band mentions how it all works.

Neon Trees

[youtube id=Zv4OBRMEnTI width=“600″ height=“350″]

Author David Semerád
