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If you're interested in computer and technology in general, you've probably come across a YouTube channel called LinusTechTips. This is one of those older YouTube channels that was created way before the boom that happened a few years ago. Yesterday, a video appeared on this channel that does not inspire much confidence among the owners of the new iMac Pro. As it turned out, Apple is unable to fix the novelty.

Not all information about the entire case is known yet, but the situation is as follows. Linus (in this case the founder and owner of this channel) bought (!) a new iMac Pro in January for testing and more content creation. Shortly after receiving and filming the review, the staff at the studio managed to damage the Mac. Unfortunately, to such an extent that it is not functional. Linus et al. so they decided (still in January) to contact Apple and see if they would fix their new iMac for them, paying for the repair (the iMac was opened, disassembled and upgraded for the purpose of the video review).

However, they received information from Apple that their service request was rejected and that they could take back their damaged and unrepaired computer. After several hours of communication and many dozens of exchanged messages, it became clear that Apple does sell the new flagship iMac Pros, but there is no direct way to fix it yet (at least in Canada, where LTT is from, but the situation seems to be similar everywhere). Spare parts are not yet officially available, and unofficial service centers will not help you, because they can order spare parts in a special way, but for this step they need a technician with certification, which does not officially exist yet. If they ordered the part anyway, they would lose their certification. This whole case seems rather bizarre, especially if we take into account what kind of machines we are talking about.

Source: YouTube
