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For the first time in the new year, Apple shared data regarding the use of its latest mobile operating system iOS 8. As of January 5, according to data measured in the App Store, 68 percent of active devices used it, last year's iOS 7 continues to be used by 29 percent of devices.

Compared to the last measurement which took place in December, that's an increase of five percentage points. After the initial problems with the octal system, it is certainly good news for Apple that its adoption continues to grow, however, compared to iOS 7, the numbers are noticeably worse.

According to analytics firm Mixpanel, which practically coincides with the latest numbers from Apple, a year ago was running iOS 7 on more than 83 percent of active devices, which is about thirteen percentage points higher than the number currently achieved by iOS 8.

The worst problems in iOS 8 should hopefully be ironed out by now, and although Apple's latest operating system for iPhones, iPads and iPod touches is definitely not flawless, users who haven't updated yet should start to lose their shyness. However, it is not clear how quickly iOS 8 will reach last year's numbers of its predecessor.

Source: 9to5Mac