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As for the software, it is Apple is relatively transparent, but the fact remains that only he himself has access to some things and his employees are obliged to keep these programs secret. Even so, it sometimes happens that information about one of the programs gets on the Internet. A few years ago, for example, I had the opportunity to test the first generation 12,9″ iPad Pro, which ran on a modified version of the iOS operating system with a few modifications, which makes the devices on display in Apple Stores look brand new.

Repairers from the company's authorized service centers also have their own software for repairing and diagnosing the device, and they should uninstall this software from the phone after the repair. However, one technician forgot the app installed on the phone, and that's how the app got onto the internet thanks to a YouTuber from Holt's iPhone Help channel. Her name iQT is based on the abbreviation QT or "Quality Testing" and is used to diagnose the repaired hardware. According to available information, it is available for both iPhone and Apple Watch.

The application offers several tests, including the 3D Touch Test, whichý divides the display into 15 parts, in which they measure the intensity of the developed pressure up to 400 degrees. This way, repairers can identify if the haptic response is absolutely fine. Additional tests allow repairers to identify faults with the accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and other sensors, buttons, connectors, audio technology, cameras, battery and wireless charging whether wireless connectivity. It is also possible to perform a screen test. In it, the user has for task find 12 artifacts on the display and if it finds at least one, it indicates the need to replace the display.

After the individual tests are completed, their icons turn green or red and below the label information about the length of the test and his (un)success. The app also allows the user to see the number of battery charge cycles.

iQT App FB

Source: The Loop
