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The latest mobile market research data has proven a sad fact. Apple is slightly losing its share of this market, on the contrary, it is the case of Google, whose share has very clearly increased.

The research is carried out by the marketing company comScore, which publishes the results of the mobile market every quarter. Based on the data, 53,4 million people in the United States have a smartphone, a number that has increased by a full 11 percent since last quarter.

Of the five best-selling platforms, only Google's Android increased its market share, from 12% to 17%. Logically, this increase had to show up somehow, and that's why Apple, RIM, and Microsoft regressed. Only Palm was unchanged, still holding 4,9% as last quarter. You can view the overall results, including a comparison with the previous quarter, in the following table.

The popularity of Google's Android operating system continues to grow. In the United States, they are currently in third place, but I think next quarter will be different. Hopefully it won't be at the expense of Apple next time.

The growth of Android is also confirmed by the estimate of Gartner's vice president, who claims: "By 2014, Apple will sell 130 million devices with iOS, Google will sell 259 million Android devices." However, we have to wait for some Friday for specific numbers and how it will actually be.
