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Apple for the first time since the release of iOS 17 published numbers about its acceptance among users. He released a sharp version last September, the first device that had it straight out of the box was the iPhone 15 family. Compared to previous versions of the system, it is lagging behind in user adoption. Why is that so? 

The iOS 17 operating system is installed on 76% iPhones released in the last 4 years. 20% still use iOS 16, 4% still use one of the earlier systems. If we look at the total numbers, then of all currently active iPhones, iOS 17 is on 66%, 23% use iOS 16 and 11% some older iOS. 

However, if we look back to last year, it was around this time that Apple also shared how its then-new iOS 16 was doing. And it was better, and quite a lot, because at that time the latest system was already running on 81% of iPhones introduced 4 years back . However, if we look at the analysis Mixpanel, so she mentions that 17% of devices have adopted iOS 70,6 to date. 

However, if we return to the situation after the first three months when iOS 17 was on the market, that is from December, it was installed on 64,7% device. In the same period just a year before, iOS 16 was achieving adoption among users 69,4%, iOS 15 then had a borderline adoption rate on the same December date 62%. But if we go even deeper into history, iOS 14 was already running in December 2020 in 80% iPhones. But behind the big drop is the fact that since iOS 15, Apple offers separate security updates from system updates. 

What is responsible for the lower reception? 

It could easily be said that iOS 15 was not very popular, while iOS 16, on the contrary, was very popular. So the current iOS 17 is not exactly a flop, but it cannot be said that it is somehow an extremely popular version of the system. Quite possibly this is not only due to the few new features it brings, but also the fact that the more iPhones there are among users, the more they forget about any updates or simply cough up if they do not have the automatic update turned on. Apple often doesn't give them much reason to update either. 

We will certainly see more interesting numbers, even with regard to year-on-year comparisons, in December and at this time of the year. iOS 18 is supposed to bring many changes, especially in the case of AI integration. We'll see how much Apple releases on older devices and how it appeals to people to update their iPhones to the latest system as soon as possible. 
