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Zombies have been hugely popular for quite a few years now. But stories about the undead peaked in popularity in the mid-2015s. Together with the comics and the Walking Dead series, a number of more or less successful zombie games arrived. The Polish studio Techland released two quality pieces within a few years. Our neighbors to the north, known for the Call of Juarez western series, first made a name for themselves with the tropical zombie hell Dead Island, only to follow it up in XNUMX with the revolutionary Dying Light. It planted an epidemic of a mysterious virus in an open world, similar to its island predecessor, but gave you the opportunity to move around it with unprecedented freedom.

Dying Light is a first-person game in which you play as special agent Kyle Cran, who is tasked with finding the origin of a mysterious epidemic in the Middle Eastern city of Harran. There he encounters streets full of zombies. They are slow and clumsy during the day, but at night they become dangerously agile enemies that you must always be on the lookout for. The game stands out especially with its emphasis on parkour mechanics. Kyle can easily climb rooftops, jump from eaves to eaves, or slide down the slanted roofs of an arid city. A grappling hook is used to make it easier to move onto rooftops, making you feel like a poorer relative of Batman.

As a game firmly rooted in the survival genre, Dying Light doesn't give you anything for free. You have little health and stamina, so you have to think carefully about your individual moves. You will be prevented from this mainly by ordinary infected, but sometimes an undead with various special abilities will appear. The game enjoyed a warm critical reception during its release, but was criticized for its technical handling. However, this has been largely improved over time, so there's nothing stopping you from going to Harran in its best form yet.

You can buy Dying Light here
