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Almost everyone works with English these days, and no matter how well you can speak this language, you will certainly need a dictionary from time to time. Panther's Czech accessories, a side project of the Logicworks company, can also provide you with a translation from English, as well as a Czech spelling checker and, for connoisseurs, a Hantec dictionary.

Some time ago we wrote about the Dictionaries app, which installs a double-sided English-Czech dictionary as well as a spell checker on the Mac. Named after the Logicworks mascot, Panther's Czech add-ons offer something similar, but differ in details that make them appeal to other users.

The biggest differences are two: on the one hand, Panter's add-ons are completely free, and on the other hand, they do not offer a double-sided English-Czech dictionary, only a translation from English to Czech. For many, however, this direction of translation is sufficient.

For such users, Panter's add-ons may be more suitable, as they offer a total of 94 English terms, which is significantly more than Dictionaries. Those who translate mainly from English to Czech and are looking for more complex expressions or other connections are more likely to go to Pantera than to Dictionaries.

As with Dictionaries, the panther dictionary also integrates with the system search, so you don't even need to open the Dictionary application. Dictionaries, on the other hand, have the advantage of being formatted in the San Francisco font and fitting into the OS X El Capitan interface, plus they have the added value of pronunciation.

Panter's add-ons are also strong in checking Czech spelling, where they offer over 300 terms and, in addition, a set of more than two and a half thousand prefixes and suffixes, which extend the spelling check even further. Mastering the Czech language is also a little easier with them. And for those who would like to enjoy themselves in Brno's hantec or sometimes just want to find out what our fellow Moravian citizens are talking about, Panter offers over 900 hantec passwords.

But for many, the fact that Panter's add-ons are free and that you don't have to pay anything for the Czech spelling check and the English-Czech dictionary is more than enough. More information including a download link and instructions for installing dictionaries can be found on the Logicworks website.
