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Macs are no longer those expensive computers with weird systems. With its products, Apple is increasingly entering the subconscious of ordinary people who are not interested in the IT world.

The latest blockbuster is the MacBook Air, which literally goes wild and belongs to the top in its category of ultrabooks. In the Czech Republic, the native Czech localization of OS X Lion can help the spread of Apple computers, and therefore OS X itself.

There are certainly more factors influencing the increasing share of OS X among operating systems. Either way - 6,03% of all computers in the world are currently running OS X, which is a very nice number. Windows is installed on almost 93% of computers, and Linux still hovers around 1%.

If we look at the US market, we find that OS X is doing the best here because it is still the number one market for Apple. In our Czech basin, OS X is installed on roughly every twenty-second computer, and so far it has taken a 4,50% share. I was quite surprised by the more than 12% share of Linux in our country, because back in May 2011 its share was 1,73%. Apparently there was a bug in the statistics.

Statistics on the share of individual versions of OS X also provide interesting numbers. The share of OS X Lion, introduced only at the end of July 2011, is a very respectable 17%. Snow Leopard holds the majority and its predecessor Leopard still runs on almost a fifth of Apple computers.

Discussion question: Do you think OS X will ever exceed 10% globally?
