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When the first installment of Cards and Castles was released in 2015, the relatively new Hearthstone ruled the world of digital card games. The game from Blizzard enjoyed its place in the sun as the most popular representative of its genre. It is therefore not surprising that imitators began to multiply rapidly. Cards and Castles also rode the wave of popularity. However, in addition to using already experienced customs, it also offered a relatively original connection with the strategy genre, where you let your cards run around the battle fields divided into squares. Now comes the second volume, which also tries to prove that there is still room for innovation in the genre.

Cards and Castles 2 is almost indistinguishable from its predecessor in terms of gameplay. You'll still build decks from cards that represent two of the seven available factions. This time you can choose between druids, vikings, pirates, crusaders, wizards, ninja warriors and the undead. Each of them will then offer you unique units and powerful spells. However, compared to its free-to-play older brother, the second part costs less than seventeen euros. Cards and Castles will not ask you for any additional money apart from the original investment.

It's surreal to see a trading card game where the developers won't ask you for any extra money to buy expansion packs or new cards. In Cards and Castles, you get in-game currency for free, which you can use to directly purchase the specific cards you need to build your decks. The well-known game economy with multiple types of currency, known for example from Hearhston or Magic Arena, does not work here. So, if you are looking for an original card game and microtransactions are getting on your nerves, Cards and Castles is definitely worth a try.

  • Developer: Red Team Games
  • Čeština: Not
  • Price: 16,79 €
  • Platform: macOS, Windows
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: macOS 10.14 or later, Intel Core 2 Duo processor, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT graphics card or better, 2 GB of free disk space

 You can buy Cards and Castles 2 here

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