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Commercial message: The digital age we live in requires ever higher investments in information and communication technologies (ICT) and software. In 2020, total investments by businesses and public administrations in ICT equipment and software reached 245 billion crowns. In relation to the overall performance of our economy, investments in ICT in the Czech Republic are significantly above the average of EU countries and reach around 4% of GDP. (in 2018 it was 4,3% of GDP).


Accelerated digitization means that companies currently have to respond to relatively rapid obsolescence of purchased machines, higher demands on data security, performance, compatibility or connection speed. Of course, all this burdens the company's cashflow. Operational leasing of computer equipment will allow companies to allocate investments in the development of the company or human resources.

What advantages does operational leasing bring to small and medium-sized companies?

Company owners or managers most often report the benefit of both professional hardware management and financial savings. The main benefit is cost savings related to the life cycle of the device, as the hardware is continuously improved or replaced with better and more powerful devices. At the same time, older technologies are less resistant to new security risks.

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Operating hardware leasing brings companies an improvement in cash flow and the possibility to use company finances for other investments. Thanks to the lease, the company can use the capital for key business activities and for their development instead of drowning it in the acquisition of computer technology. It is then possible to spread the costs over several years and gain space for your own expansion.

Is operational hardware leasing financially beneficial?

The main barrier to the use of operational leasing of terminal hardware is the assumption that it is a financially very disadvantageous solution. At the same time, the total costs of operational leasing are lower with a 2- and 3-year life cycle of the final HW than with credit or cash financing. Buying with one's own funds results in an unnecessary tie-up of the company's capital, which can be used more efficiently. When purchasing terminal hardware as an asset, the costs related to the management of the used HW (storage, deletion of data, sale or disposal) must also be included in the costs, which are significantly lower in the case of operational leasing, as they are borne by the leasing company. In addition, the rental price may include high-quality insurance and equipment service.


The service has been available on the Czech market since last year of Rentalit, which offers the possibility to purchase computers and mobile phones for operative leasing from the convenience of an intuitive e-shop. "All you have to do is choose a device on our e-shop and we will take care of everything else and deliver the selected hardware to your office," says Petra Jelínková, CEO of Rentalit. In the e-shop, you can choose from a wide range of high-quality computers and mobile phones. "Especially for small and medium-sized companies that do not have an IT department, our service is a great relief. We will take care of everything, if necessary we will provide service and spare equipment. At the end of the rental period, the computers or phones are automatically replaced with new ones and the devices are well insured. Our goal is that people can work in peace, we take care of the IT equipment."
