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Whether you want to create documents, edit PDF files, work with music and video or manage communication, there are countless advanced applications for all these purposes. But over time, software accumulates and you may run out of disk space. Installing programs on an external drive is not very worthwhile, and it is not always convenient to store all data on it. A well-functioning alternative to which you only need an Internet connection are web tools, for their operation you usually do not need to install anything. In this article, we will show you those tools that can be useful for everyone.

Google Office

If you work in an environment where you work with documents, spreadsheets and presentations, you have most likely encountered both Apple iWork and Microsoft Office, as well as the office suite from Google. Unlike Apple and Microsoft, which prefers installable applications over a web interface, Google did not even develop desktop applications, and you can achieve the highest functionality through a web browser. Compared to programs from Apple and Microsoft, some more advanced functions are missing, but the package is completely sufficient for most users. As far as collaboration and file sharing are concerned, Google tried to make everything as easy as possible, and it succeeded very well - shared documents can be easily edited even by a person who does not have a Google account.

Use this link to go to the Google Docs page

Use this link to go to the Google Sheets page

Use this link to go to the Google Slides page


In a situation where you need to send a certain text file or presentation to someone, but you don't know which platform they prefer, the PDF format is the most suitable solution. It can handle any platform, whether you own a desktop or mobile device. But what if someone sends you a PDF file and you'd like to edit it, but you don't know how? The iLovePDF web tool provides you with basic editing and conversion, for which you do not have to pay a single crown. In addition to common operations, which include merging and splitting documents, PDF compression or page rotation, the service also allows you to export files, specifically DOCX, PPTX, XLS, JPG and HTML formats are supported.

Use this link to go to the iLovePDF website

Quite often there are situations when you cannot open a certain file because you do not have a program on your computer that can work with similar types of files. However, an online file converter will help you whether you want to open a certain document or convert an audio or video file. The web application is completely in the Czech language, so you can work with it without any major complications.

Use this link to move to the page

Don't know what to do when you just need to quickly cut a certain video or audio file, but you don't want to install any program? serves these purposes. Again, this is not a tool intended for professionals, it is only perfect for ease of use. In addition to editing files, it can also increase and decrease the sound of individual tracks.

You can go to the website using this link
