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Today's article will not only be a dry review of the application, but also an introduction to the beautiful and inspiring idea of ​​director Cesar Kuriyama. Those interested can then listen to a presentation of his concept in an eight-minute TED talk.

Think now how much we remember and how often we return to past experiences. If we experience something beautiful, we experience feelings of happiness at that moment, but (unfortunately) we don't return to that situation very often. This is especially true of memories that are not so extreme, but still memorable. After all, they shape who we are today. But how to preserve memories effectively and in a fun way and at the same time remember them in a reasonable way?

The solution seems to be the One second every day concept, which works on a simple principle. Every day we choose a moment, ideally the most interesting one, and make a video, from which we use one single second at the end. When one does this regularly and connects one-second clips in a series, (surprisingly) beautiful works are created that touch us deeply at the same time.

After the first few days, it won't be much, but after two to three weeks, a short "movie" will begin to form, which can evoke a strong emotion. Surely you have already thought that few people have time every day to think about what to actually shoot, then to film it and, finally, to cut and paste the videos in a complicated way. That's why an application was released that will make most of our work easier.

[vimeo id=”53827400″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

We can find it in the App Store under the same name 1 Second EveryDay for three euros. And how did the honest and critical testing go?

Unfortunately, I encountered certain shortcomings not so much of the application itself, but rather of the whole idea. As a student, the days of the exam period are remarkably uniform. If, for example, I study for 10 days from morning to evening and the most interesting part of the day consists of cooking some quick food, what interesting thing should I shoot? Perhaps just such long-windedness and boredom will remind you of the work a person had to do back then.

So my main criticism concerns the second situation. I ventured to Sweden on my own for a few days. Due to the short period of my stay, I traveled from morning to evening and tried to get to know the local environment as much as possible. As a result, I had dozens of truly surreal experiences every day, and every one of them I would really like to remember. However, the concept allows you to choose only one moment, and that, in my humble opinion, is a real shame. Of course, everyone can adjust the method and record more seconds from such special days, but the mentioned application does not allow this, and without it, cutting and pasting clips is quite tedious.

However, if we go according to the proposed concept, it is enough to shoot a video every day in an ordinary way, after which a clear monthly calendar with the numbers of individual days will be displayed in the application. Just click on the given box and we will be offered videos that we recorded on the given day. After selecting the video, we then slide our finger and choose which second of the clip we will use in the end. The control is thus maximally intuitive and well processed.

No special music is added to the clips and the original sound is kept. It is also possible to set reminders for a certain time of day so that you never forget your duty. The application also allows viewing videos of other users. However, you can also find a decent number of other people's videos on the Internet (e.g. on YouTube), so you can see for yourself what the result might look like. It seems like a nice idea to shoot a newborn like this. The video charting his development, the first steps, the first words, is certainly priceless.

[app url=]
