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Statistical agency ChangeWave published another in a series of surveys on the topic of user satisfaction with mobile devices. This time she focused on tablets. As we already mentioned in previous article, Apple Inc. has been the most satisfied smartphone user in taste for several years. Even in tablets with their iPads (currently sold in the 2nd and 3rd generation), they did not lag behind. They even have an even greater preponderance of satisfied customers than in the case of smartphones.

…Current customers… In the first graph, we see that when asked “how satisfied are you with your tablet”, 81% of new iPad users answered “very satisfied” and ten percent less of users of the older iPad 2. This great result is enhanced by the fact that that iPad 2 was released over a year ago. Even so, it is a more popular tablet than Amazon's relatively new Kindle Fire or any Samsung Galaxy Tab, with which more than half of users are not "very satisfied".

…Future customers… Even more drastically, the iPad showed its dominance in the market of future customers. Of all the people surveyed who revealed that they plan to buy a tablet in the next three months, fully 73% want to get an iPad. Only 8% of this group want a Kindle Fire, and only 6% plan to buy a Samsung Galaxy Tab. These numbers are incredible considering the recent popularity of the tablet Amazon's Kindle Fire.

So the future, at least for the next 12-18 months, is secured for Apple in the tablet market. Despite the fact that the iPad has been on sale for over two years and counting every competing tablet is called an "iPad killer" at the time of release, so it really was just words so far. And according to the numbers mentioned here, no change is even in the offing.

