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Press Release: Rakuten Viber, one of the world's leading communication platforms, has increased its capacity for key services and created several initiatives to strengthen people's cohesion and maintain their mental well-being during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The result of these activities is an increase in the use of communication platform services worldwide.

In recent weeks, Viber has seen an increase in user activity across the platform. The most popular tools are currently the communication options offered by the application - mainly group messages and calls. Groupých reportáin was in cfání with the lastímtýon the last day of Januaryábut by 134% iníce. The number of received group calls for the average user has increased in the last two weeks by 370 %. Average engagement in communities increaseda by 78% in connection with projects such as current coverage of the Washington Post. Other initiatives that have been created to spread useful information among Viber users at a time when personal contacts are limited to a minimum also contribute to this.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been:

  • Viber daily active users increase by 18% during March;
  • The number of new users who register for the application every day is 25% higher;
  • Calls via the app are longer – call duration has increased by 35%;
  • People are also posting 75% more videos.

"During this difficult time, we are doing everything we can to help teachers and students, colleagues, partners, friends and families stay connected 24/7. Our users rely on us and we will continue to improve their ability to communicate freely and securely,” said Djamel Agaoua, CEO of Rakuten Viber.

Rakuten Viber
Rakuten Viber

App news includes:

  1. Increasing the number of participants in group calls from five people to twenty people;
  2. Sending a message about the importance of listening to health advice to several million Viber users in 22 languages;
  3. Launching chatbot with WHO to separate facts about coronavirus from misinformation. Viber also works with Unicef ​​U-Reports to deliver real-time news and information in multiple languages ​​with the same goal;
  4. Creation of official communities to disseminate official information about COVID-19 together with relevant institutions in 12 countries. Users can thus receive official and reliable information about the pandemic and relevant measures;
  5. Starting new "stay at home" sticker campaigns to engage users I in this difficult time.

The latest information about Viber is always ready for you in the official community Viber Czech Republic. Here you will find out news about the tools in our application and you can also take part in interesting polls.
