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You don't have time to read or you don't enjoy reading? Did its length put you off reading Jobs' biography? Nothing is lost.

You can listen to the book, narrated by actor Martin Stránský, an Apple fan. The recording on 3 CDs is almost 26 and a half hours long! The audiobook was created and produced in ADK-Prague studios. You can listen to samples at the end of the article. in cooperation with the Práh publishing house offers you the opportunity to purchase this biography. The original price is CZK 399, only from us you can get it for CZK 299.


1st sample from Steve Jobs audiobook (Bono, Jobs)

2nd sample from the Steve Jobs audiobook (Gates and Jobs)

3. sample from the Steve Jobs audiobook (iPad, advertisement)

Steve Jobs audiobook sample 4 (iPhone launch)

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