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Apple entered 2015 with a new campaign called "Start Something New", which is actually a gallery of artwork created using one of Apple's devices. It was drawn on an iPad, photographed on an iPhone and edited on an iMac.

“Every piece in this gallery was created on an Apple product. Behind every brushstroke, every pixel, every footage are talented Apple users from around the world. Maybe their work will inspire you to create something new." writes Apple on the website and below features a whole host of artists.

He did not escape attention Austin Mann taking pictures with iPhone 6 Plus in Iceland, Japanese author Nomoco and her ethereal series created using Brushes 3 on the iPad Air 2, street scenes by Jingyao Guo created on the iMac in iDraw, or amazing mountain shots by Jimmy Chin, who only relied on the HDR function in the basic Camera application.

In total, Apple has chosen 14 authors, showing both their creations and the tools they used to create them (applications and the device itself). So you can see what amazing portraits Roz Hall painted or how Thayer Allyson Gowdy shot her energetic piece.

Interestingly, the "Start Something New" campaign was not limited to the online world, but also appeared in some brick-and-mortar Apple Stores. The same works are displayed on the walls of the stores, and Apple shows visitors what can be done with the devices displayed below.

Source: MacRumors, ifo Apple Store