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A documentary titled MALTO posted on YouTube yesterday thanks Apple for its role in its creation in the closing credits.

Sean Malto is one of the most respected professional skateboarders today. His accomplishments include first and third place at Cph Pro and he also won the Street League Skateboarding Championship in 2011. In 2013, however, he suffered a rather serious ankle injury, when he tore two ligaments and his fibula bone went all the way out through the skin.

During the recovery from the first operation, a problem was detected and he had to undergo another one. This had a big impact on his thinking about the future of his career. A new 11-minute documentary from small independent studio Ghost Digital Cinema captures the process of recovering from a second operation and coping with having to "learn all over again".

At its end, the viewer learns from one small caption that iPhones and apps were used to film the documentary FiLMiC Pro. In the documentary's making-of video (see below), the film's director, Ty Evans, says he chose the iPhone to film because it's part of his everyday life and he wanted to use it in a different way. The FiLMiC Pro application then enabled them to work with it like a more classic camera, as it can change the settings of many parameters, e.g. white balance, focus, exposure length, shutter speed, etc.

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Part of that "using the iPhone in a different way" wasn't just using a more sophisticated app, though. In the iPhone documentary video, even in direct shots of the equipment, it is often not seen in the middle of large professional lenses, tripods and camera stabilizers.

Source: Mac Stories, The Ride Channel