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With the release of iOS 11 many things have changed. One of the most affected areas is the App Store, which now looks completely different from what we have been used to in recent years. Apple came up with a new design, layout of the user interface, and the whole platform is now more focused on the developers themselves, on discovering new applications and on user feedback. For many, this can be a rather drastic change, and that's why Apple has released several new videos in which it introduces the new App Store to its users.

These are three 11-second and one XNUMX-second videos in which Apple captures some of the changes that have occurred with the arrival of iOS XNUMX. In addition, videos are also used to promote some apps. Personally, I find them somewhat chaotic and their informational value is rather dismal. However, the graphics in the videos correspond to the visuals that await you in the App Store. The first video is called Welcome to the #NewAppStore and you can watch it below, as well as the others.


The new App Store works on the principle of cards that contain specific information about an application or a specific developer. Every day a new story will appear in it, thanks to which the user should learn about new and interesting applications. These cards also use traditional categories such as App of the day or Game of the day. After clicking on the selected card, you will see complete information. The search for content is also greatly redesigned, the graphic layout is completely different from what was in the App Store before iOS 10. The whole environment has a more airy feel. However, many users were more satisfied with the classic design, where more information was available in the same space. Which group do you belong to? Do you like the new look of the App Store, or did you prefer the previous look?

