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When Scott Forstall on Monday featured Although iOS 6 stated that it will support even the iPhone 3GS, he did not mention what limitations the new mobile operating system will have on older devices. And that there really will be…

At the end of his presentation, Forstall flashed a picture on which it was written that iOS 6 can be installed on the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, iPad second and third generation and iPod touch fourth generation. However, it was clear to everyone in advance that not all features of iOS 6 will be enabled on older devices.

Everything is confirmed by a miniature note at the bottom stránky on introducing iOS 6. "Not all features will be available on all devices," it says clearly, followed by a detailed listing of what those features are.

The best of course are the latest iOS devices, i.e. the iPhone 4S and the new iPad, on which you will be able to enjoy iOS 6 to the fullest. It is already worse with the iPad 2 and iPhone 4, and owners of the three-year-old iPhone 3GS will not enjoy the biggest innovations in the new system at all. It is clear that some functions cannot run on the devices in question due to hardware requirements, but somewhere it is simply clear that Apple does not allow them just on its own whim.

iPhone 4 owners will not be able to fully experience the new maps with Flyover and turn-by-turn navigation, which certainly did not please Apple. At the same time, iPad 2 supports maps without compromise. Siri and FaceTime over 3G will not work on both of these devices. Shared Photo Stream, VIP List or Offline Reading list allows Apple to use it on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and on the two latest generations of iPad.

If you're wondering how the iPhone 3GS is doing, then believe me, none of the above-mentioned features will run on it. Owners of the last Apple phone with a round back will "only" get a redesigned App Store, Cloud Tabs in Safari or Facebook integration in iOS 6. The fact is that for a three-year-old device, these steps are understandable. After all, it was even expected that the iPhone 3GS might not wait for iOS 6 at all, but the absence of some functions may surprise the iPhone 4, or rather its white version.

Be that as it may, the white iPhone 4 has only been on the market for a little over a year, and it doesn't seem entirely fair that Apple won't allow users who have been waiting months for the white phone due to manufacturing issues to enjoy all the features of the new system. However, Apple's goal is clear - it wants customers to buy new devices practically year after year, and the company makes money. However, the question remains how long it will entertain users.
