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Apple is serious about the privacy and sensitive information of its customers. The company tries to emphasize this approach whenever possible. Apple's access to sensitive user information has become one of the main benefits of the entire ecosystem in recent years, and the company from Cupertino does not intend to change anything about it. Overnight, a short advertising spot appeared on YouTube, which focuses on Apple's approach to this issue with a light dose of humor.

The one-minute spot called "Privacy Matters" points out how people in their lives guard their privacy and control who has access to it. Apple follows up on this idea by saying that if people are so active in protecting their personal privacy, they should use a device that gives equal weight to sensitive information. Nowadays, we store almost all important information that concerns us on our phones. To a certain extent, it is a kind of gate to our personal life, and Apple is betting that we want to keep this imaginary gate as closed as possible to the outside world.

If you don't have an idea of ​​what Apple does to protect the privacy of its users, take a look at of this document, where Apple's approach to sensitive data is explained using several examples. Whether it is Touch ID security elements or Face ID, navigation records from maps or any communication via iMessage/FaceTime.
