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Searching the Productivity category in the App Store requires patience, because there are so many applications that you can quickly lose energy and buy something that will not bring you much benefit in the future. Start a review with words "I can warmly recommend this application with a clear conscience" It might take some of the tension out of you, on the other hand, I won't hide it, right? Notify Me I like it very much. And know that it's not just about the user experience, it's also about the capabilities.

As the name suggests, the purpose of the program is to notify you of tasks, meetings, notes that you did not want to keep in your memory and entrusted to NotifyMe. It is therefore not a task list in the sense of To-Do lists, nor will lovers of the GTD method find use here. NotifyMe thus fulfills the most banal need – to remember the given task at the right time.

I have been dealing with productivity, time-management and planning for a long time, I have used a number of applications and electronic tools not only for mobile (iPhone) but also for Mac OS. Currently, due to the gravitation to the smell of paper (and, of course, other reasons), I have settled on a paper FranklinCovey diary. But what the paper method cannot fulfill, of course, is the ability to recall a note or a task at the right time. In short, you must always have the diary at hand so that you don't forget it.

One of the ways is to use calendars (for example, the nice Calvetica, which I wrote about), or just reminders. And if you want it to be really good at what you want from such an application, and also have an amazing view (and a very good one at that!), NotifyMe is the clear choice.

The significantly improved second version will soon see more additions, even an iPad version, but it already meets my strict criteria to prefer it over the competition. So now that I'm thinking about the UI, I'll briefly introduce what you can do with NotifyMe.

The main screen of the application contains five options. Upcoming, Completed, and Recent tasks. For each of the items, you see a number in the box that indicates the number of tasks. By clicking on a task category, a list of tasks will be displayed on the screen, so that you can see all the important information: the wording of the task, the category, the deadline, whether it should be repeated, plus you can tell by the icons if it contains a task and a note.

The fourth item in the opening screen represents the categories, after opening a list of them will be displayed. An icon is attached to each category, you can delete and add categories, there is a decent amount of (please note: nice-looking) icons to choose from.

The fifth item is the sharing settings. Here you can set yours friends, colleagues with whom you can then share individual tasks. Which is great in itself, but the other party must also own NotifyMe.

But now it is important to add one piece of information – NotifyMe exists in two versions. No, you don't get any of them for free from the App Store, but the versions Simple it will cost you less than three dollars, the full version is another two dollars more. With a simple issue you can get by with the application, it doesn't limit you to the maximum number of tasks or categories, but it lacks several interesting features.

So, for example, you cannot count on the fact that the application would notify you at regular intervals even before the event itself, the completion of the task. It is also not possible to set so-called Autosnoozing to work here. You know the period from the alarm clock, when the phone can simply alert you at set intervals until you mark the task as complete. And when you create a task, say goodbye (if you only own the Simple version) to the option to set it to save and repeat - for example, every day, week...

And the best for last. There is also NotifyMeCloud. As the name suggests, it is a web interface that you can access from anywhere and find all the reminders that you entered on your mobile. In addition, you can also edit your tasks and add new ones here. So if you're working on a computer, you're online, this method can be even more effective than NotifyMe2 on an iPhone.

The full version, unlike the Simple version, supports synchronization with cloud and thus also uses push notifications. Only the local setters can do this more modestly, i.e. they will warn you, but the concept Cloud it sounds as foreign to her as the iPad. Yes, you will also communicate with NotifyMe with the iPad.

My personal experience is very good. Just what I am he tapped iPhone reminder, I found it on my internet cloud. And conversely. If I had to complain about something, it's the aforementioned need to own an app in order to share tasks.

However, other feelings are carried only in a positive spirit. The setup is very easy and the control is a pleasure. The website is also beautifully simple and nice to look at. You even have a pleasant feeling when entering a task, because you click on such a white cloud in the upper left corner :)
