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Two years ago, Apple launched the Ping social service in iTunes, but its expectations were certainly not met, and so the music social network is ending after 25 months. Users learned about it thanks to the notification in the new iTunes 10.7.

Tim Cook's earlier words at the All Things D conference, where Apple's executive director hinted at the uncertain future of Ping he admitted, that this social network did not catch on very well, and when asked if he was going to close the service, he replied that some users do love it, but there are not many of them, so it is possible. Now everything is final - Ping ends on September 30 of this year.

“I think the users made a decision,” Cook said in late May, “and we said this is not something we want to put more energy into. Apple doesn't need to own a social network when it comes to this, but it needs to be social. However, that is what we are trying to achieve by implementing Twitter in iOS, and we are also planning to connect it to Mac OS in Mountain Lion," Cook said at the time. We now have Twitter on the Mac, with Facebook coming soon. "Some consider iMessage to be social as well," he added.

The integration of Twitter and Facebook is also known in new iTunes 11, where there are now similar sharing options that Apple tried to offer in Ping.

Source: The Next Web