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NetNewsWire is one of the most popular RSS readers on Mac, so users were very much looking forward to the iPhone version. She came, but she didn't get such a big response. But I dare to say that everything will change with the new version 2.0. The iPhone reader NetNewsWire 2.0 has newly gained support for synchronization with Google Reader, just like its big brother on the desktop.

NetNewsWire 2.0 has been completely redesigned, so rather than an app update, it's a completely new RSS reader for iPhone. The biggest draw is, of course, two-way synchronization with Google Reader, but in NetNewsWire 2.0 there are far more novelties - for example, saving to Instapaper, sending links via Twitter or sending e-mail without leaving the application. The new NetNewsWire is like a transition from the old Facebook client to Facebook 3.0.

NetNewsWire 2.0 is also much faster and the entire user interface has been redesigned as well. NetNewsWire 2.0 is completely free to download on the Appstore, but there are ads in this version. But you can try the application and possibly buy the "full" version without ads, which is discounted to 1,79 until October. Applications like Byline or Gazette have a big competitor!

Appstore link - NetNewsWire (ad free version)
