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In recent weeks, I literally stopped hearing callers and had to either use AirPods to make calls or prefer to handle all calls in the office on speakerphone. Unfortunately, I had the problem around the same time I upgraded to iOS 11, so for a long time I thought it was a software issue with the new iOS version. Only after a while did I iStores they gave advice that I believe a large number of users of newer iPhone models will appreciate.

Why newer ones? Because the problem concerns iPhones with certification against splashing water, i.e. all models from the iPhone 7. The problem is that these phones contain a membrane through which, although water does not penetrate the handset, it unfortunately traps dust and dirt. Even the cleanest person has a layer of dirt on the diaphragm after a year of use that literally clogs it up and you then hear the caller extremely quiet.

During normal cleaning, which each of us does at least from time to time, i.e. if you take a cloth and a special cleaning solution to the display and run it over your entire phone, the membrane will not be cleaned, on the contrary, there is a risk that you will introduce even more dirt into it.

The membrane can be cleaned relatively easily. Just use a cotton swab to clean your ears, which you dip in benzine, alcohol, medical benzine or, in case of emergency, an ordinary window cleaner containing alcohol. Then run the brush several times with moderate pressure over the membrane that covers the speaker outlet located above the display and then dry the membrane with the other side. The difference will be incredible, even if you still heard the caller anyway.

You can repeat the process every few weeks and the phone will have the speakers as loud as they were at the beginning. The only thing to be careful about is not to press too hard - you need to apply adequate pressure.

iPhone speaker clean