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Although the gradual return of children and students to schools is approaching, the situation still does not look entirely rosy - the pace of return will most likely not be so fast. In any case, online teaching is already really long and I personally think that instead of sitting at a computer, tablet or mobile phone, most people will benefit from a health walk. But of course, you only do this for a limited time, and if your children are bored even after that, it doesn't hurt to let them relax a little at the computers. The tools mentioned in the article can entertain, but also teach something.

The Alí website has been operating in the Czech Republic for quite a few years, but it is still a proven and above all high-quality way of entertainment. The pages include children's jokes, games or knowledge quizzes. If children lack social contact, they can join the clubhouse and meet new friends, of course under the supervision of the site's creators. The website also includes competitions for valuable prizes. Registration is required for full use, but occasional visitors will probably be fine with using it without creating an account.

You can go to the website using this link

As for this web tool, it is a versatile study aid, both for the Czech language and for example for mathematics, physics, chemistry or history. If you are an ambitious family and would like to find out how your child compares to other students, the programmers here have prepared comparative tests. Registration is not required, but after creating an account, the user will get an overview of the exercises visited, history and statistics of activities or the possibility of creating an avatar.

You can go to using this link

As the name suggests, you will find all kinds of questions here, both for the youngest children and for the elderly or even adults. The circuits are diverse, from animals to technology to movies and foreign music. Whether you need to relax a little after a hard day, or you want to teach your child something new, is one of the sites you should at least take a look at.

You can go to the website using this link

The Internet is full of all kinds of traps and it is imperative that you avoid your children from falling for them. This is precisely what is trying to prevent, which brings together all kinds of audio and video fairy tales from different providers in one place. In addition to audiovisual content, you can play games or print coloring books directly on the website and have an artistic fun with them.

You can go to using this link
