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It may seem almost unbelievable, but Christmas is practically here and that means only one thing – it's the best time to buy gifts for your loved ones. If there is someone among them who enjoys using HomeKit accessories for a smart home, we will try to inspire you with gifts for them in the lines below. We have selected a few interesting pieces in our eyes that could please you. At the outset, however, it is appropriate to add that these are rather products for an already established smart home. Therefore, in the following lines you will not find, for example, Apple TV or HomePods for creating a home center and so on.

Yale Linus Smart Lock

The smart home is hugely popular mainly because it is aimed at making people's lives easier, ideally in all possible ways - for example, in the possibility of leaving the keys at home and having the doors unlocked using smart technologies. There are quite a few smart locks on the market, but most require a relatively large intervention in the door insert, for example in the form of its replacement. And that is why I was personally very interested in the Yale Linus lock, which can be installed on the door without interfering with the cylinder insert, as it still uses your classic key to unlock it. All you have to do is mount it from the inside of the door (so wooden ones are ideal) and then just enjoy unlocking with your iPhone or HomeKit automation. What's great is that you can still use classic keys, although of course with inserts that allow double insertion. The icing on the cake is the fact that this smart lock looks really nice and unobtrusive in design. 

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Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station

If your loved one likes to monitor their surroundings in terms of temperature, humidity, CO2 level and so on, they might like the smart weather station from the Netatma workshop. It offers these and many other functions, wrapped in a pleasing minimalist coat. In addition, Netatmo is very strong not only in HomeKit compatibility, but also in a clear application in the Czech language that allows you to manage it in various ways and from which you can learn a lot of other information. Users are also satisfied with it due to its measurement accuracy or the fact that in the set we recommend you can find an indoor and outdoor module, so monitoring the surroundings is a truly complex matter. 

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Thermostatic heads Netatmo Smart Radiator Valves

In recent weeks, it has resonated (not only) in the Czech Republic as one of the hottest topics of heating, or rather the steeply rising price of energy. A partial solution to this problem and at the same time a nice Christmas gift that will add solid style to any interior are the smart thermostatic HomeKit heads Netatmo Radiator Valves. These are very nicely designed pieces that, simply put, can be programmed to automatically heat up or, on the contrary, mute the radiators and thus save energy. For connoisseurs, Netatmo also produces a smart thermostat that communicates with the heads and which should ensure even greater energy savings and therefore money. The price is not the lowest, but the money should return after some time. 

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Smoke detector

And we will stay with the products from Netatma for a while, because with them you can equip the household with a little exaggeration, from the floor to the cellar. Another nice home helper is the HomeKit smoke detector Smart Smoke Alarm. I also have it at home and I must say that I am very happy with it so far. Its smoke detection sensitivity is really great, and the alarm it sets off when it detects it would, with a bit of exaggeration, wake up even a dead person. It goes without saying that there is a notification on the phone or perhaps a battery life of 10 years. Personally, I also like the product in terms of design and maintenance – there is no need to touch it for a good 10 years thanks to its low energy consumption. However, the downside is that once the battery dies, it should be replaced with a brand new one. In any case, this is a product that is not too expensive and definitely worth the peace of mind. 

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Smart home camera

The last item from Netatma in our selection is a home camera with support for motion and sound detection or night vision. In short and well, this is a piece that, if you plug it in at home, you will immediately know about everything that is going on there, and of course remotely. It is possible to connect to the camera even within the traditional Internet, not only from the internal network of the household. So you can easily use it to look after or monitor your pets or children, and on holidays to check whether someone has stolen from you. 

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Nanoleaf Shapes Triangles

In our selection, we will not forget lovers of playing with lights. A truly interesting light show can be created thanks to Nanoleaf Spahes Triangles, which can be attached to the wall in absolutely any shape and then light up to the rhythm of music or video, for example. In terms of design, even when it is switched off, it is a relatively interesting element that definitely has something to attract attention. It probably won't surprise you that this solution enjoys great and, above all, long-term popularity among users. After all, if you watch YouTube, it would be very surprising if you haven't come across a YouTuber who hasn't had a Nanoleaf behind him yet. 

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EVE Aqua water meter

With the last tip of our selection, you can impress all passionate gardeners. It is EVE Aqua, which is a de facto water meter, thanks to which your loved one will have a great overview of its use. In addition, however, this gadget can be used, for example, to control sprinklers and the like - that is, of course, if they are built as smart. Even "basic" use in the form of water measurement is certainly not a bad thing - especially when the prices of everything are going up and you simply want to have some overview of your consumption. 

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eve aqua