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Do you often use the website for work or study and take notes on different pages? With the help of an extension called Beanote, you can annotate, take notes and highlight directly on the given web pages. With several different colors and tools to choose from, Beanote also offers virtual Post-It style sticky notes.

You can download the Benote extension here.


Do you like the flip clock design? Thanks to an extension called Flipclock, you can also place this clock on a newly opened tab in Google Chrome on your Mac. Flipclock offers both a 12-hour and a 24-hour mode, and of course there is animation during rewinding.

You can download the Flipclock extension here.


Lagom is a useful and very good looking extension that can help you with your focus and productivity. With its help, for example, you can block websites that could potentially distract you while you work or study. Here you can set time intervals for work and breaks in the style of a pomodoro timer, or even deny access to all open tabs, i.e. web pages, for a certain period of time.


You can download the Lagom extension here.


The Serotonin extension helps you become more aware of how precious your time is, how you can manage it, and allows you to realize what you are grateful for.. Instead of the traditional clock or date, Serotonin also shows you the time you have left in the day for sure you will manage to do something amazing, and it will offer you interesting food for thought.

You can download the Serotonin extension here.


Today's show of interesting extensions will be finished with a tool called Momentum. Every time you open a new tab in Chrome on your Mac, Momentum gives you something to think about your day. In addition, Momentum also offers great soothing wallpapers, a time indicator or perhaps interesting quotes.

Download the Momentum extension here.
