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If you're a regular user of the popular discussion platform Reddit, you'll surely want to read your favorite subreddits on your iPhone as well. If, for whatever reason, the official Reddit app doesn't suit you, perhaps you can choose from our tips for today.


Apollo for Reddit is my personal favorite. I've been using this app for a few years now, and it doesn't look like I'll be looking for a replacement in the future. Apollo has a very clear and easy-to-use user interface, offers rich options for customization, display, and a lot of functions for viewing and managing content and for viewing media. It will especially suit those who often jump between individual subreddits, it goes without saying that it supports system-wide dark mode and Face ID / Touch ID support.

Download Apollo for Reddit for free here.


Other popular clients for Reddit include narwhal app. It offers the ability to clearly display all your followed subreddits, gesture support, the ability to hide and save links, as well as rich options for managing and adding posts. Narwhal is a fast, reliable, clear client, which will be appreciated especially by those users who prefer control using gestures.

Download the narwhal app for free here.


If you want to try looking at Reddit a little differently, you can try an app called Reno. Reno is a reddit client that boasts a very minimalist user interface and an unconventional post layout. Reno offers dark mode support and is also very easy to use.

Download the Reno app for free here.


Slide for Reddit is a popular and powerful client that offers a number of great features for all Reddit users. It boasts a unique and perfectly uncluttered design with plenty of customization and settings options, offers a variant for both Apple Watch and iPad, and allows you to save content for later reading, sync across devices, support Split View in iPadOS, and much more.

You can download the Slide app for free here.
