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Quarantine in the Czech Republic has been going on for some time now and will continue for a while. If you miss contact with friends or colleagues, you don't have to rely only on chat apps or calls. You can also have fun together in many multiplayer games. In today's article, we will look at the best iOS games that you can play online with friends.

Tip: If you like to take a break from your mobile from time to time, try one of the cool ones offline activities on FYFT. The boys really adjust the assortment of games, so solo record holders and fans of board games will choose here.


This is a fairly clear choice. Mainly because you can play together with friends who play on iOS, PC, Android, PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch. Thanks to this, you can connect with basically anyone. Fortnite is a prime example of the Battle Royale genre – you play alone or in a team, have one life and try to survive on an ever-shrinking map. You can play the game download for free.

PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is once again a Battle Royale game, but it takes a more realistic route than Fortnite. There are also several different maps available, so you can find your favorite. The downside to Fortnite is that you can only play with phone users. The mobile version is not compatible with the PC or console version. This game is too free to download.

Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty concludes the trio of action games. This is a classic first-person shooter with several modes. Of course, there are the classic modes in shooting games, where you have to destroy the enemy team, you fight against snipers, etc. But the game also includes a Battle Royale mode, where a hundred players fight on one map. Mobile version Call of Duty is free.

Jackbox Party Pack

It is a compilation of different party games that are specially created so that everyone can immediately understand them and start playing. From the point of view of the Czech Republic, the disadvantage may be that most games require knowledge of English. If that's not a problem for you, you can have a lot of fun. All it takes is for one person to buy the game and others can join via browser. Both on the computer and on the phone. Price on AppStore is CZK 649, but we recommend buying on another platform through the manufacturer's website. It is often on sale for half the price.


This card game is very close to the Czech Prší, but according to some, it has more ways to win. Mobile version of Uno it is available for free and also allows you to play online with friends. So if you don't want to play anything more complicated than the games above, this card game might be the perfect choice for you.


The best-selling game in history probably doesn't need to be introduced to anyone. We will mainly add information about the fact that, like Fortnite, Minecraft also supports cross-platform play. You can also play with friends who play on PC or consoles. Price Minecraft is in the AppStore 179 CZK.
