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In June, Apple presented its new product at WWDC23. The Apple Vison Pro is a new product line whose potential we may not yet appreciate. But the new series of iPhones could help us in this. 

Apple Vision Pro is a virtual and augmented reality headset that few people can imagine using yet. Only a handful of journalists and developers could get to know him personally, we mere mortals can only get a picture from Apple's videos. There is no doubt that this will be a revolutionary device that can change the way we consume all digital content. But it wouldn't be able to do it alone, it needs to use the entire Apple ecosystem.

It is difficult to judge if the series of iPhone 15 will outline it for us, we will be wiser until September 12, when Apple should show them to the world. But now a message has been published on the Weibo social network that brings closer the mutual "coexistence" between the iPhone and the Apple Vision Pro. The only catch here is that he mentions the iPhone Ultra, when we don't know if we will see it already this year with the iPhone 15 or a year from now with the iPhone 16. However, since Apple will not release its headset until the beginning of 2024, it may not to be such a problem also because its expansion is expected rather with the next (cheaper) generations.

A new concept of digital content consumption 

Specifically, the report says that the iPhone Ultra could capture spatial photos and videos that will be displayed in Vision. This interconnectedness is said to lead the market to rethink what kind of photos and videos a mobile phone should actually take. We already had a certain flirtation with 3D photos here, when the HTC company in particular tried to do it, but it didn't turn out very well. Actually, even if we are talking about 3D televisions. So the question is how user friendly will this be so that users will adopt it and start using it en masse.

After all, the Vision Pro should already be able to take 3D photos by itself thanks to its camera system. After all, Apple says that: "users will be able to relive their memories like never before." And if someone could show someone their memories like that, it could be really interesting. However, Vision Pro can also display classic photos, but we can probably agree that having depth awareness can be really effective. In light of these rumors, it seems really possible that the future iPhone would include this "three-dimensional camera", where it would probably accompany LiDAR in particular. But it can be guessed that it would be another camera lens.

In the three months that have passed since the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro, this product is starting to profile quite well. It was obvious from the beginning that it would not make much sense as a stand-alone device, but it is precisely in the Apple ecosystem that its strength will stand out, which this report only confirms. For us, the most important question remains whether it will ever reach our market. 
