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As it gradually loosens up and the critical colors of the various states begin to fade, you may finally catch the right impulse to head out into the world. If it will be by air and with the iPhone in your pocket, you should pay some attention to the settings of the iPhone when traveling, especially to meet the requirements of different airlines. 

Of course, you are also encouraged to turn off your mobile device after boarding the plane and following the appropriate emergency training. However, some airlines will allow you to keep your phone on if you activate flight mode on it. In it, technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned off by default. So you can't make phone calls, but you can listen to music, watch videos, play offline games and use other applications that don't require an internet connection to run.

Mobile data 

Fortunately, the situation with roaming is already relatively favorable if you are traveling within the EU. IN Settings Mobile data you'll find the option to turn them off hard, however, in the menu Data options you will also find behavior in the case of roaming, i.e. if you travel outside the Czech Republic. If you have data roaming switched on, i.e. if you want to use mobile data abroad, it is a good idea to switch it on here Low data mode. This helps to reduce their use. After switching on, all data-related tasks in the background will be turned off (photo synchronization, etc.).

Turn airplane mode on and off and more 

Whether you need to disable or re-enable a connection, the fastest way is via Control Center. If you have not defined it differently, you will find everything important in it. You can turn on flight mode by simply clicking on the airplane symbol. At that moment, you will be disconnected from the GSM network. However, it is also advisable to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, if you are traveling by plane and the airline does not allow their activity. Of course, you can also turn everything off/on in Settings. For Flight mode, you just need to activate the slider, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth you have to click on first and then turn off the functions.
