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Commercial message: The new iPhone 14 and 14 Plus have only been on the market for two months, but you can already save significantly on their purchase. Mobile Emergency has started giving away a bonus of CZK 3 for new products, and also gives a free extended three-year warranty worth several thousand more on Apple phones. As a result, you can save up to 000 crowns on the latest generation of iPhones, just exchange your old phone for a new one.

iPhone 14 cheaper by CZK 3

The price of the new iPhone 14 could have been an obstacle for many people to purchase them, but after taking into account the buy-in bonus, their price tags are much more friendly. iPhone 14 you can come out already on CZK 23 (normally CZK 26) and larger 14 iPhone Plus already on CZK 26 (normally CZK 29). The lower prices are shown after applying the buy-in bonus, which you can get easily - just sell any older functional device (phone, tablet, smart watch, laptop, game console) at Mobil Emergency within 990 days of buying a new iPhone.

  • You can find out the purchase prices easily in the calculator right here

Upgrade to iPhone 14 for only CZK 325 per month

For example, if you decide to upgrade from an iPhone 11, you'll get a new one iPhone 14 after taking into account the bonus and the purchase price, it is only 13 CZK, or only 990 CZK per month. You can also purchase a new iPhone as part of a unique service You buy, you sell, you sell, you repay, when Mobil Pohotóvost in cooperation with Hello Bank! already now - two years in advance - subtracts the future purchase value of the new iPhone from the final price.

However, as part of a special service You buy, you sell, you sell, you repay you can buy other Apple products in addition to iPhones. iPads and MacBooks have also recently joined the service, which you can literally buy for a few hundred crowns a month. When using the service, you will achieve the lowest monthly installments on the market.
