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November was not very successful in terms of iOS 9 adoption. In the end, however, the latest mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads climbed to 70 percent as of the last day of November, in terms of the share of all systems actively used by iOS devices.

At the start of November, 9 percent of iPhones, iPads and iPod touches connecting to the App Store, where the statistics come from, had iOS 66 installed, and in four weeks, adoption was up just four percentage points.

Although iOS 9 has compromised on its own rocket launch, continues to be Apple's most successful mobile system. Last year's iOS 8 didn't manage to reach 70 percent by the end of January, and iOS 7 didn't get off to a fast start either.

8 percent of active devices remain on iOS 22, only 8 percent on even older systems.

Source: Cult of Mac, Apple Insider