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Due to the current situation, most people now have to stay at home. While some have a new home office obligation, others have unplanned leave for an indefinite period. Fortunately, Apple, together with developers, tries to accommodate users, and releases games for them on the App Store that they would otherwise have to pay for. Which titles are the App Store offering for free this time?

Mini Metro

Mini Metro is an incredibly fun and original strategy game for everyone who loves the subway. Your task in this game will be to build a subway for a growing city. Place the stations, connect them with individual lines and start operations. But you will have to gradually adapt the route during the game so that your metro ride is as efficient as possible. In the game, you will have a choice of three different modes, you can customize the appearance of the interface and the subway environment.

Download Mini Metro for free here.

Superbrothers: Swords and Sorcery

Superbrothers: Swords and Sorcery is a well-designed, magical RPG that deservedly made it to the Editors' Choice in the App Store. The game offers a unique and immersive experience, not only in terms of gameplay, but also audio and visual. In Superbrothers: Swords and Sorcery, your sword will be your indispensable helper, a number of interesting spells and mysteries will await you on your way.

Download Superbrothers: Swords and Sorcery for free here.


Tokaido is the iOS version of the popular board game. In this game, you take on the role of a pilgrim who travels from Kyoto to Edo in the very heart of ancient Japan. During his journey, he discovers the countryside, tastes a number of regional specialties, gets a lot of rare and original souvenirs, visits temples and also meets other pilgrims.

You can download Tokaido for free here.


Prune is another charming game whose design will simply take your breath away. It was named "Game of the Year" by Apple and TIME magazine in 2015, and no wonder. The creators of the game refer to Prune as a "Love Letter to Trees". Your task will be to grow a tree, support it in successful growth and protect it from all negative influences. A unique soundtrack will ensure the right mood and relaxation.

Download Prune for free here.

Impossible Road

Impossible Road is a beautifully designed minimalist arcade where you can enjoy wild roller coaster rides to your heart's content. If you manage to get through all the loops, turns and steep drops without any problems, you will definitely be rewarded. In the game Impossible Road, you move on the track simply by touching the sides of the screen, the game supports the 3D Touch function.

Download Impossible Road for free here.
